Immediate Relief in Dental Pain

Immediate Relief in Dental Pain

Unfortunately, tooth pain can be very disruptive to other daily routines such as mealtimes, as eating or drinking can worsen the pain, especially with hot or cold sensations, and can intensify at night disrupting sleep. At Whiteline clinic, after a full examination of your mouth and immediate surrounding areas, your dentist will ask you a series of questions, take X-rays to identify the scope of the problem, and then form a treatment plan. If the tooth has a deep cavity, the decayed material is removed from the tooth and the infection cleared, which relieves the pain.

Oral Routine Checkup

Oral Routine Checkup

Regular dental check ups are vital to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you wait until you have a problem with your teeth, the damage is already done.

At Whiteline clinic, a routine dental check-up will generally include an oral exam of your teeth, gums, mouth and jaws to check their health and diagnose any potential problem areas. Your dentist will then brief you about the problematic areas and the treatments you may need.  They also keep an eye on other dental treatments you have had in the past such as dental fillings, bridges, implants etc.